Youth Residential Program

Unique State of the Art Residential
Program for Youth & Cats

Most young people turn to their parents for help at age 18 however, 65% of foster youth In Tennessee leave foster care at age 18 with no place to call home. Feral Cat Rescue & Youth Sanctuary offers an innovative residential program to both youth and feral (abandon) cats.

Youth Statistics

Program Overview

Screening Process

Youth go through three interviews, background and evaluation screening while in state custody. A male mentor will interview and screen young men while a female mentor shall interview and screen the young women for program compatibility. 

Selection Process

Youth who are selected for the six month residential program are selected based upon their desire to achieve, the efforts they put forth and their ability to overcome.


Every six months, three young men and three young women aging out of the foster system between ages (18-21) will be selected and sponsored to participate in the Feral Cat Rescue & Youth Leadership Development Program located in a unique three story shipping container facility designed and developed as a launch program for foster youth and feral cats.


Each youth will be provided  a 5 x 13 independent living space, furnished with a bed, desk, closet and shelving. Learning good personal hygiene, health and nutrition, skills, career/apprenticeship training, time management and organization development skills and being assigned a cat to prepare for adoption.


The program mission is to equip and prepare youth for the many challenges the world will present. At the end of the program each youth will be employed, have transportation and housing. Each youth will have successfully learned how to prepare a feral or abandon cat for adoption and placement.

Partnering with a Youth

Individuals, organizations and businesses can partner with a youth on a monthly basis up to 6 months (Donators may qualify for a federal tax deduction  where time, materials, resources or monetary funding are applied). The average cost to house, train and equip each youth is  $500.00 per month. Twelve partnerships will be available each year. 


Individuals, organizations and businesses will have an opportunity to work closely with their partnered youth in the residential setting and in the workplace. In addition, youth will be available to appear and speak at events on behalf of individuals, organizations and businesses. All inquiries to partner with a youth are received through FCRYS.